Tentang Kami

IntiMakna adalah sebuah lembaga training dan coaching berbadan hukum yang didirikan tahun 2015, bergerak dalam bidang pembelajaran bagi masyarakat, korporasi dan institusi. Kami bermitra, membantu dan memfasilitasi klien untuk mencapai kinerja terbaiknya melalui perubahan mindset, kompetensi, dan perilaku, yang mendorong terwujudnya visi mereka dan memiliki kehidupan dengan makna yang lebih tinggi.

Kami  menyajikan berbagai program pelatihan dan pengembangan yang sangat mendasar untuk melejitkan profesionalisme dan personal excellence, meliputi kepemimpinan diri,  transformasi cara berpikir, self-motivation, komunikasi otentik, kemampuan-kemampuan tim di dalam Perusahaan untuk berubah secara otentik dan mencapai hasil. Hasilnya adalah perubahan perilaku, pencapaian kinerja, kehidupan yang lebih berkualitas, sekaligus turut dalam pembangunan karakter bangsa.

Keunikan program kami adalah substansial, behavioral, practical, dan impactful.  Keilmuan utama yang mendasari program-program kami adalah neuro-semantics, yaitu ilmu tentang bagaimana makna mempengaruhi manusia beroperasi untuk mencapai tujuannya. Neuro-semantics mengusung nilai-nilai utama : profesionalisme, etis, penerapan pada diri sendiri, dan kolaborasi.


Menjadi rumah belajar yang esensial, mendalam, praktikal, ramah, dan otentik, dalam meningkatkan kemampuan memimpin diri dan orang lain, mengubah cara berpikir, membangun karakter dan perilaku, untuk menghasilkan kinerja terbaik dan kehidupan yang lebih bermakna.


  1. Membuat program-program yang sederhana, namun mendalam, praktis, dan berdampak perubahan berdasarkan pemahaman akan kondisi dan kebutuhan klien.
  2. Penyajian dan penyampaian program yang memberi pengalaman otentik dan bersahaja, namun penuh hikmah dan kesadaran.
  3. Membangun kemitraan, jaringan, dan komunitas yang menciptakan kebermanfaatan berdasarkan prinsip ketulusan, kepercayaan, dan keberkahan.
  4. Membangun watak dan kemampuan para fasilitator dan penyelenggara agar mampu melayani pertumbuhan klien.

Trainer & Coach


Prasetya M. Brata


Irvan Irawan Jie


Poernama Prijatna

Prasetya M. Brata is a Public Speaker, Public Trainer, and Coach who focuses on leadership, mindset change, life transformation, self-motivation, and communication. As International Certifying Neurosemantics Trainer, he certifies NLP & Neurosemantics Practitioner and Master Practitioner. He is also certified as Meta-Coach (transformational coach)  by Meta Coach Foundation (MCF International). 

He has been delivering training, workshop, seminar, coaching to various companies, organizations, and public events, including in Australia, Malaysia, and Hongkong since 2005. Since having weekly radio-talk program on Radio Smart FM Network in 2008, he has been known as ‘The Indonesian Mind Provocateur” with the deep, authentic, and relax style. 

He also has more than 23 years experience in the fields of leadership and management, human resources, marketing, education, corporate communication, and strategy in a big national company that established in 1912, with the last position in C-level are Chief Corporate Officer, then Human Resources and General Affairs Director. 

He was also a lecture for eight years at Magister Manajemen – Universitas Indonesia (MM-UI) and several private business school. He has written two best-selling books : "PROVOKASI, Menyiasati Pikiran Meraih Keberuntungan" (Gramedia Pustaka Utama, 2008) and "Provokasi 2, MANTRA Mengubah Nasib Dengan Kata (Gramedia Pustaka Utama, 2010).  Nowadays, he is also often invited by public event organizers, radio stations and television as speakers, co-host, or coach, such as on “I’m Possible – Metro TV” program several times. 

Irvan Irawan Jie is a certifying neuro-semantics trainer, certified meta-coach, and certified group and team coaching that facilitate clients to achieve their best performance with highest meaning. Until now he is Indonesian Neuro-Semantics Trainer who has most complete knowledge in Neuro-Semantics fields that make his facilitation deep and robust. His coaching specializes in helping Entrepreneurs and executive leaders to self actualize themselves. 

He was graduted as Bachelor of Business Administration and Master of Business Administration from University of Oklahoma, USA. He has experience in research, enterpreneurship and leadership such as : Research Executive of Ackmeran McQueen, USA; Senior Research Executive of Markplus Indonesia; Senior Research Executive of Neilsen Indonesia; Marketing Manager of PT Sumber Rizki Jaya; CEO of PT Gema Berdikari Unggul; General Manager of PT Buana Indonusa Abadi. 

In the meta-coach institute and society, he has been appointed as President of Indonesia Meta-Coach Foundation  

Poernama Prijatna is a Neuro-Semanticist,  Trainer, Author,  Certified Meta-Coach, Group and Team Coach, which more focus on team management. He had 16 years experience as professional in an joint-venture bank, then becoming Chief Communication Officer at a national Network Marketing company with 100.000 active distributors with total revenue 700 Billion in 2020.

He also wrote a book “Team In You”. He has conducted coaching and training session to management and staff in several companies in Indonesia.

Trainer & Coach


Prasetya M. Brata

Prasetya M. Brata is a Public Speaker, Public Trainer, and Coach who focuses on leadership, mindset change, life transformation, self-motivation, and communication. As International Certifying Neurosemantics Trainer, he certifies NLP & Neurosemantics Practitioner and Master Practitioner. He is also certified as Meta-Coach (transformational coach)  by Meta Coach Foundation (MCF International). 

He has been delivering training, workshop, seminar, coaching to various companies, organizations, and public events, including in Australia, Malaysia, and Hongkong since 2005. Since having weekly radio-talk program on Radio Smart FM Network in 2008, he has been known as ‘The Indonesian Mind Provocateur” with the deep, authentic, and relax style. 

He also has more than 23 years experience in the fields of leadership and management, human resources, marketing, education, corporate communication, and strategy in a big national company that established in 1912, with the last position in C-level are Chief Corporate Officer, then Human Resources and General Affairs Director. 

He was also a lecture for eight years at Magister Manajemen – Universitas Indonesia (MM-UI) and several private business school. He has written two best-selling books : "PROVOKASI, Menyiasati Pikiran Meraih Keberuntungan" (Gramedia Pustaka Utama, 2008) and "Provokasi 2, MANTRA Mengubah Nasib Dengan Kata (Gramedia Pustaka Utama, 2010).  Nowadays, he is also often invited by public event organizers, radio stations and television as speakers, co-host, or coach, such as on “I’m Possible – Metro TV” program several times. 


Irvan Irawan Jie

Irvan Irawan Jie is a certifying neuro-semantics trainer, certified meta-coach, and certified group and team coaching that facilitate clients to achieve their best performance with highest meaning. Until now he is Indonesian Neuro-Semantics Trainer who has most complete knowledge in Neuro-Semantics fields that make his facilitation deep and robust. His coaching specializes in helping Entrepreneurs and executive leaders to self actualize themselves. 

He was graduted as Bachelor of Business Administration and Master of Business Administration from University of Oklahoma, USA. He has experience in research, enterpreneurship and leadership such as : Research Executive of Ackmeran McQueen, USA; Senior Research Executive of Markplus Indonesia; Senior Research Executive of Neilsen Indonesia; Marketing Manager of PT Sumber Rizki Jaya; CEO of PT Gema Berdikari Unggul; General Manager of PT Buana Indonusa Abadi. 

In the meta-coach institute and society, he has been appointed as President of Indonesia Meta-Coach Foundation  


Poernama Prijatna

Poernama Prijatna is a Neuro-Semanticist,  Trainer, Author,  Certified Meta-Coach, Group and Team Coach, which more focus on team management. He had 16 years experience as professional in an joint-venture bank, then becoming Chief Communication Officer at a national Network Marketing company with 100.000 active distributors with total revenue 700 Billion in 2020.

He also wrote a book “Team In You”. He has conducted coaching and training session to management and staff in several companies in Indonesia.

Our Values


RESPECT Hormat kepada setiap pemikiran dan perbedaan, fokus kepada kekuatan dan kolaborasi.


OUTCOME ORIENTED Fokus kepada outcome dan meningkatkan/memperbaiki proses yang diperlukan untuk mewujudkan hasil. Kita memisahkan antara orang dengan proses, perilaku, dan cara berpikir.


TRUSTWORTHY Membangun watak, kemampuan, dan keahlian untuk menjaga kepercayaan dari para pemangku kepentingan.


ETHICAL Beroperasi dengan kejujuran, integritas, dan etika.


LEARNING Memperoleh dan menghargai umpan balik dalam membangun individu dan tim untuk tumbuh bersama dan memenuhi harapan pemangku kepentingan.


LOVE Mencintai sesama manusia dan alam semesta, bekerja dengan sepenuh hati dan jiwa.


AUTHENTIC Berpikir, merasa, dan bertindak secara otentik.